Saturday, October 10, 2015

2.4.4 - The Lithosphere (KQ4): Soil MEDC and LEDC Case Studies

Soil MEDC and LEDC Case Studies

As with almost any environmental topic, the differences in how soil issues are handled in terms of preparation and response in MEDCs and LEDCs are quite different.  Here, you will read about one of each.  Pay close attention to the differences in how the respective governments handled them.  Yes, one is the US during the Depression...and yes, it was bad; but, the county did recover and prosper where as a LEDC may not.

MEDC:  The USA Dustbowl (Will open as a PDF)...Peer Reviewed article!!!

Quick questions...what did the USA learn from this experience?  How have things changed?

LEDC:  African Soil Degradation (Click on the article link within to get more detailed info)


2.4.3 - The Lithosphere (KQ4): Soil Management & Specific Profiles

Soil Management

Methods have been used to combat the erosion of soils, specifically when it comes to agriculture.  We have learned a lot from past events, and employ some very good, ecological techniques.  You will read about some of the past issues in the next blog, but here we will discuss the techniques to prevent them from happening.  These managements strategies are put in place to sustain and restore fertility and increase economic benefits and crop yield.

Cover Crops

Cover crops are crops that are planted alongside the target crop to increase soil quality and fertility and decrease soil eroision along with other benefiting factors such as pest and disease control.  A cover crop will be planted in a field with the target crop, and may be plowed underneath the ground to provide nutrients to the crops surrounding it.  Often times the cover crops are legumes (beans/peas), as these types of plants take nitrogen from the air, and "fix" it into a form that plants can use.  Here is a picture of cover crops placed alongside the target crop.
Image result for cover crops

Cover crops also improve the amount of organic matter in the soil, by replacing what would just be empty space of dirt with vegetation that contributes to the nutrients of the soil.  They decrease soil erosion and improve water retention of the soil by covering up exposed soil (less soil leaves in runoff) and thus providing a way for water to trickle down through the soil.

Crop Rotation

Crop rotation is the practice of planting different crops during consecutive growing seasons.  By doing this the following benefits are applied to the soil and plants:

  • The nutrients used by one set of crops may be different than those utilized by another.  By rotating crops that differ in their nutrient requirements, the soil will be less likely to be diminished of these nutrients upon harvesting.  If cover crops are planted every other season, then the nitrogen content can be increase for the target crops.
  • Different crops have different root lengths, so rotating crops can have the effect of the crops taking nutrients and water from different levels over the seasons, resulting in a lower need for fertilizers and irrigation.
  • Pests and disease tend to foster if one crop is left in an area for too long.  By rotating crops, farmers can limit the amount of these and, thus, increase yield and decrease the amount of pesticide used.

Nutrient Management

Nutrient management is the practice of not "over fertilizing" plants.  The farmer studies the amount of nutrient his/her crops needs and tests the soil to determine the amount of fertilizer to spread.  Too much fertilizer can result in run-off of the fertilizer, which can have a negative effect on surrounding water bodies.  Not enough nutrient will cause the crops to not grow, loose soils, and erosion.  By practicing nutrient management, farmers can optimize their crop management.

Tillage Management

Tillage is the agitation of soil after harvesting.  It basically breaks up the soil and aerates it, which has been used to "prepare" it for the next growing season.  While it does provide aeration and preparation of the soil, tillage also leaves soil open to erosion, can destroy the organic layer of the soil, and destroys the water capacity of the soil.  No-till methods aerate the soil without tillage, and methods that decrease the amount of tillage are recommended for soil health.

Water Management

We will talk more about this in the hydrosphere unit, but it is obvious that over-watering a crop area will result in erosion of soil.  Over-watering is done at many crops areas and results in flooded fields and eroded soils.  To counteract this farmers can plant crops native to the area that do not require external irrigation or employ minimal water techniques, such as drip-irrigation - the process of only watering  the crops themselves by using a hose with small holes at each crop.  Here is an graphic of a drip irrigation system:

Shelter Belts

Shelter belts are lines of trees planted around crop areas to cut wind erosion.  The trees block the wind and reduce the amount of soil that is eroded.

Contour Farming

Crops are planted on the contour (slope) of the land as to follow the water flow pattern.  This minimizes flooding of the crop area, and regulates the water flow, thereby reducing erosion.

Specific Profiles

There are a few specific profiles that you need to know in order to understand the diversity of soils through the globe. (Also, the may be on your exam...)  Here you will read about each.  Please click on each may want to write down differences between the profiles.

Temperate Podzols (Poor Growing)

Brown Earths (Good Growing)

Rain Forest Soils - About halfway down the page

Thursday, October 8, 2015

2.4.2 - The Lithosphere (KQ4): Soil Erosion and Deterioration

Soil Erosion and Deterioration

As you can see from the previous section, good, fertile soil is imperative to our survival.  Not only does good, stable soil stop sudden mass movements, it provides many of the essential things plants need to live.  These plants and the organisms are the primary source of both food and oxygen, both of which are essential to our survival.

Humans have lived using soil for as long as we have been here.  The "cradle of civilization" was the fertile crescent...meaning it had fertile soils!  Humans have not always done well or realized the importance of maintaining fertile soil...and thus have enticed both erosion and soil deterioration in many parts of the world.  This section will introduce you to 5 ways we have destroyed soil through short video case studies...and the following section will discuss how to prevent and manage these situations.

Agriculture & Deforestation

You can deforest without converting to agriculture land, but often times that is the goal.  Please watch the following video as a case study that shows a case of how both have affected soil quality in Pilon, Cambodia.

Grazing & Compaction

Animal grazing can have a huge impact on the soil structure and can compact the land.  This video explains both very well.


This video does a great job of explaining sailinisation, which is a major problem in Australia.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

2.4.1 - The Lithosphere (KQ4): Soil Formation and Characteristics

Soil Formation and Characteristics

Formation (Including Soil Profile)

Soil is very important, not only because of the mass movements that involve it, but for being the home, food, and water holder for our vegetation.  Without vegetation, we would not have a food or oxygen source, so ensuring that soil remains conducive to vegetation growth is essential to our survival and the survival of the environment.

Soil is actually formed by a combination of many things.  The main component of soil is weathered rock (see why we had to learn about that!!!).  As the rock breaks down and moves by erosion, it is compacted within the earth back into rock in the rock cycle.  The first few layers of this broken down rock material make up the essence of soil.  Joining the broken down rock is decaying organic (living) matter such as fallen leaves (leaf litter), and dead trees and organisms.  Organisms called decomposers live within these layers of soil and help break down the organic material into nutrients that the vegetation can use.  The soil contains solids, liquids, and gases!  You wouldn't typically think of soil as having a gas as a component...but it is one of the most important.  The pores within the soil are necessary to house air, which provides oxygen to the things growing in it!  So...if we break it down...the main components of soil are:  Organic Matter, Mineral Matter (sand, silt or clay), Water, and Air.

If we dug down and pulled out soil until we hit rock, this is what it may look like (called a soil profile):

Sometimes, the O, A, and E horizons are referred to as just the "A" horizon, but the diagram above shows more detail in distinction, which can be useful.  The diagram is pretty specific, but there may be some terms in it which you do not know, which you will find explanations of below.
  • Humus - While the top layer (O) is loose, humus, which is found in the "A" layer, is very nutrient rich, but has reached a point of stability.  It has mineral matter (weathered rocks) mixed with the organic matter.  If you were to walk in a forest and scoop under the leaf litter, you would find black soil.  This is humus.
  • Leaching - In the "E" horizon, water that passes through the layers on the way to the aquifer or plants will absorb minerals.  The absorption of minerals is known as leaching.
Just one more key on the horizons...the lower you go, the more compact the soil is due to thus as it goes further and further down, the more "rock-like" it becomes, eventually forming bedrock (Under the "C" layer).

Characteristics of Soil

The following are the important characteristic of soil that you need to know in order to be able to understand how different soils can grow different vegetation.

    1. Texture - the balance of mineral particles in soil.  It is determined by the relative amount of sand, silt, and clay in the soil.  Most soil will be a combination of the three in different percentages.  The following profile is useful in determining the vitality of the soil:
      1. Sand particles are the largest soil particles.  Water moves through them very easily, so therefore sand is not very good at holding water needed for vegetation.
      2. Silt particles are the medium-sized soil particles.  Water can be held and passed through, making it the best of the three particles for vegetation growth.
      3. Clay particles are the smallest soil particles.  Like a baseball field, sometimes water cannot pass through clay, since it clumps up so much.  This make it no ideal for vegetation grwth as well.
    2. Biotic components - the term biotic means "living." So, this is going to be the amount of living material in the soil.  This will determine the rate at which the organiz matter is present and decomposes.
    3. Percolation rate - The rate at which water moves through saturated (wet) granular material.  Material with greater percolation rate can usually absorb more water.  It is highest in sand and lowest in clay...therefore it increases as particle size increases.  Too high of a percolation rate and result in water not being stored within the soil as it runs through too quickly and too low of a percolation rate can result in water being trapped on the surface, and thus not being absorbed in the soil. 
    4. Moisture Content - The amount of water that is stored in the soil.  Goes hand-in-hand with percolation rate, and, of course, the amount of precipitation an area receives.  If an area is dry the percolation rate will be quick compared to if the moisture content is high already. 
    5. Porosity - The amount of "empty space" in the soil.  This is where air is stored and how water travels through, so it is important to have porous soil.  Sand has large spaces between pores, while clay has small spaces, but both can have high porosity at certain conditions.
    6. Percent organic matter - this is the ratio of decomposed organic material that is present in the soil.  It is important to have a good amount of organic matter, as it is what provides nutrient to the vegetation.  Organic matter also provides water-holding capacity, soil structure, and erosion prevention through stability.  Too much can be a bad thing...between 5-10% organic matter is usually the standard for success.
    7. Fertility - Basically describes the ability of the soil to support vegetation and other organic life. Fertile soil will have the following characteristics:
      1. Nutrient-rich (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium)...comes from organic material!
      2. Will contain minerals needed for plant nutrition, like boron, chlorine, etc.
      3. Contains organic matter
      4. pH is between 6.0-6.8
      5. Well drained with solid structure
      6. Contains microorganisms that will break down organic material
      7. Has a good layer of topsoil - the "O" and "A" layers