Tuesday, December 1, 2015

3.1.2 - The Hydrosphere (KQ1): The Effects of Human Use on the Supply of Water

The Effects of Human Use on the Supply of Water

The effects of agriculture, industry and domestic usage upon natural supplies of water will be studied in this section.  As you are probably aware, all of these facets of human life use water, and thus have a profound effect on our natural supply of it.

Agriculture - We learned a little about agricultural water use in our soil unit.  Click this link by the USGS to read about water use in agriculture, specifically in terms of irrigation.  It starts with general irrigation terms and techniques and then gives some specifics on the US.  Also, read here for the different types of irrigation used in agriculture. Click on the links within both if you do not understand the terms or want to see specific examples.  As our biggest (by far) user of freshwater, efforts need to be made to reduce the amount needed for crop production and animal husbandry.  Overuse of freshwater in agriculture can lead to desertification, salinisation, contamination, and drought.

Industry - Industrial water use is something that is often overlooked.  In fact, almost all industrial processes use fresh water.  Read this link from the USGS to learn more about industrial water use.

Domestic - While it pales in comparison to the overall use of water by the other two sectors, domestic (home) water use is what we most directly rely on.  This link takes you to a good overview with important graphics on domestic water use.

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