Wednesday, January 17, 2018

4.3.1 - The Atmosphere (KQ3): CFCs, Ozone, and Acid Rain

Stratospheric Ozone (Good Ozone)

Ozone is a form of oxygen that contains 3 molecules as opposed to the oxygen we breathe that has 2.  Thus, the chemical formula is O3.  In the stratosphere, Ozone protects us from harmful UV radiation.  You need to read about how here and here (take notes).

Now that you've read how vital stratospheric ozone is to all life on Earth, we need to discuss how we are affecting it.  Humans have been creating chloroflurocarbons (CFCs) that have made a giant hole in that good ozone layer.  You need to read about how here.  Again, take notes - don't worry about names of specific CFC compounds, just use the page to figure out how they deplete the Ozone layer.

Tropospheric Ozone (Bad Ozone)

While the ozone is extremely necessary in the stratosphere, it is very harmful to humans in the zone we live in, the troposphere.  Often times this is called ground level ozone.  Watch the following cartoon to learn about how this ozone is formed and is harmful.

Acid Rain

You should've learned about acid rain in elementary school a bit, but we need some deeper info.  Read through this site to learn what you need to know about it.  Please read down to the bottom of all 5 pages.  There's also a great podcast on 'What Ever Happened to Acid Rain' on the bottom if you have time.

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